WHAT IS A BACKFLOW PREVENTER? A backflow preventer is a device that’s installed on your home’s main water feed pipe to the property. It allows water to flow in one direction but never in the opposite direction. Its sole purpose is to prevent drinking water from being contaminated due to backflow, or cross contamination. ARE BACKFLOW PREVENTER VALVES REQUIRED? Backflow prevention devices […]
BATHROOM RENOVATION AUCKLAND You have decided to do a bathroom renovation for your Auckland house, but you are feeling overwhelmed. Check out these 7 important tips on bathroom renovation in Auckland and put your mind at ease. Why are you doing the bathroom renovation? Be sure in your own mind why you are doing the […]
BATHROOM 101 We all have a budget, we all have limitations, but BATHROOM 101 has got to be… Get the bathroom you want! GETTING THE BATHROOM YOU WANT For years possibly you’ve been thinking about ideas, planning your new bathroom. You have had many great and interesting ideas. You’ve dreamed about how amazing its going […]
LOW PRESSURE HOT WATER – THE GOLDEN DAYS Once upon a time, many years ago, people decided that a hot water cylinder would be a good idea. No more having to full a copper bath and heating it with a coal fire, so the family could have the weekly wash. So, the first low pressure […]
DRAIN UNBLOCKING – NOT EVERYONE’S FAVOURITE JOB I can well imagine when you realize you have a blocked drains, you start thinking yuck, this will not be fun, drain unblocking is not something I want to have anything to do with. If you are keen to try drain unblocking, maybe you have a blocked toilet, […]
Do you just have a gut feeling you have a water leak? Have you noticed a wet patch in your front lawn? Have you received a huge water bill from your local water provider? There’s no need to fear as there is an Auckland Plumber near. Auckland Plumber Saves The Day. Find out more here… AUCKLAND […]
Are you just over running out of hot water, every time you wish to take a shower? Have you heard all the hype about the continuous flow gas hot water heater? If you want to never run out of hot water again – this is what you need. TREAT YOURSELF TO AN ENDLESS GAS HOT […]
Is your regular plumber or gasfitter a Licensed Plumber Gasfitter? MEDIA RELEASE | Homeowners are warned not to use unlicensed tradespeople over the summer break. Always use a Licensed Plumber Gasfitter. CHECK THE SERVICEMAN COMING TO YOUR HOUSE IS A LICENSED PLUMBER GASFITTER New Zealand homeowners are being warned today not to use unlicensed tradespeople […]
PLUMBING WORLD IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND GREAT PLUMBING AND BATHROOM FITTINGS Plumbing World is a general plumbing merchant store which supplies everything. From basic plumbing trade products to top fashion bathroom fittings for your home. They supply many of the best brands from here in New Zealand and around the world. When you need […]