
How much will it cost to install a radiator?

Radiator Servicing Auckland

Radiator Heater Warm water radiator central heating is a very efficient way to heat both existing homes and new homes. Not only does it deliver high levels of comfort, it is also suited to our changeable weather and busy lifestyles. For a long time central heating was considered to be a luxury and far too expensive for most households. Luckily these systems are not nearly as expensive to install as people think. We think you may be surprised at the installation costs.  These systems give you the convenience and comfort of pre-programming the system to heat your home in anticipation of your arrival and allows for control of heating in individual rooms.  How do radiators work? A boiler heats water and pumps it through piping into radiator in individual rooms throughout your home. Radiator heater use hot water to heat the air that flows past them. Warm air rises from the radiator and colder air in the rooms falls. This circulation develops a flow of air around the room sending warm air from the radiator and delivering cool air back to the heater. The water returns to the boiler for reheating and continues to cycle back to radiators.  Modern radiators are made of pressed steel, which heats up and cools down quickly. Most modern radiators have fins on the back or between panels; this increases the surface area to heat up air and allows for smaller models to heat up a room a lot more efficiently.  The system is regulated by a programmable controller, which can be set to turn on and off at your convenience. The boiler can run on a variety of fuel sources: Natural gas LPG Diesel Wood These systems can also be installed with a heat pump water heater. This system relies on a heat pump to transfer heat energy from outside air to the water that circulates through the radiator heater.  Advantages and Disadvantages of Radiator Advantages: Easy to run Heats the whole house Discreet and stylish design Healthy and safe Can add value to your home Easy to control Can be installed to new or existing homes Disadvantages: Water transfer central heating systems are more efficient than air transfer systems, but are more expensive to install Water transfer systems require a new hot water system What to look out for There are many variables that can influence the cost of installation. Before choosing a system you need to research which one is best for you. You’ll need to consider your family’s needs, house size, cost, installation, availability of fuel to keep it running and design. It pays to consult with the experts to make sure your choice is right for you.  Here are some other things to keep in mind:  Latest technology: The next generation of central heating systems will be controlled from your smartphone and will intuitively sense which areas to warm up and when. Design: The investment into research and development has resulted in a range of sleek and chic radiators. Not only is there a model for every style of home, they can also be painted to blend with your wall colour.  Energy efficiency: Choosing a system that is correctly sized to your home is essential for efficiency. Make sure you consult with the professionals to confirm the right size for your home.  Radiator Installation costs Typically the cost to install a radiator central heating system depends on many things:  The size of your home The number of rooms you’d like to heat  The availability of fuel sources The type of water heater to be installed The accessibility to install the system (this mainly affects the labour costs) A classic installation in a 3 bedroom home with design will include the following: 1 heater unit (boiler or hot water heat pump) 7 x 1kW radiators (sized to suit) All labour and materials involved Plumbing and gasfitting work Commissioning and certification We design each central heating system to your home and individual needs, as there is never a one size fits all solution to central heating. Therefore, we tailor our costs and packages accordingly. Each build is different for us.   Radiator Running costs  Running costs are always unique to each household and there are many factors that can influence how much it will cost to run. One of the most important factors is the heat loss in your home. The heat loss is affected by: Amount of insulation in your home The height of your ceilings The size of your windows Do you have curtains Running costs varies from household to household, but as a guide:  Natural gas will cost approximately $275 per month LPG will cost approximately $575 per month Diesel will cost approximately $352 per month Firewood will cost approximately $270 per month Air to water heat pumps will cost approximately $265 per month It’s very important to engage with us well before you build your new home, installing central heating system with radiators requires forward planning to ensure there is enough room for pipes throughout your home. If you have an existing build and you’d like to see if your home is compatible with one of our systems, get in touch with us today. We can confirm if your home is suitable and start planning the installation.

Gas Fire vs Radiator

large vertical radiator

Radiator Radiator systems circulate hot water silently through the radiator and heat is emitted into the surrounding area using only the natural convection of warm air. Natural convection means the warm air heated by the radiator rises and cool air falls back to the heater to be heated. Traditionally radiators were made from cast iron, but more modern units are constructed from pressed steel. The pressed steel heats up and cools down a lot faster, making it the ideal component for New Zealand’s changing climate and busy lifestyles. Many of the later models have fins on the back or between panels, these fins increase the surface area available for heating the air.  How radiator works? The radiators use a gas boiler to heat water and the hot water is pumped to the individual radiators throughout your home. The cooler water then returns to the boiler system to be reheated again and continues the cycle back to the radiators. Valves on each of the heating radiators control the temperature in individual rooms.  Fuel The radiator boilers can use natural gas, LPG or diesel to run. In New Zealand, the most cost-effective option is natural gas Advantages of Radiator It’s possible to have one or two radiators per room, this, of course, depends on the size of your room.  It’s also possible to combine radiator heating and underfloor heating, which would suit a multilevel home or homes with timber and floor substrates.  The system is controlled by a programmable remote which can be set to turn on and off at your convenience.  You can add heated towel rails to the system, it keeps towels dry and prevents damp air.  The system can be installed in a new home or added to an existing structure, but it is important to have enough space under the floor to lay pipework.  Radiator systems are very economical as water carries more heat than air. Individual temperature control for each room. Safe to use around children. Particularly suited to older Villa-type homes. Disadvantages of Radiator Central heating requires a significantly higher upfront cost when compared to room heaters. There is a time delay before heat output is changed to meet heating demand. There is limited control of each individual radiator unless a separate thermostat controls each individual unit. There is a need for space to house the central heating unit. You need suitable routes for pipes and ducts. Aesthetics Radiators come in a variety of styles and colours, this gives you plenty more options to choose a unit suitable for the colour scheme and decor of your home. The style of the radiators is particularly suited to Villa homes. Price The price is dependent on the number of radiators, type of fuel and amount of pipework. For an average home with 9 radiators and a natural gas boiler, systems cost upwards of $16,000 Gas fires Gas fireplaces are the modern and stylish answer to traditional wood fireplaces. Built-in gas fires will heat your home cost-effectively and efficiently, no only saving you money on heating costs but also reducing environmental impacts. Gas fireplace design and technology has improved significantly over the last 20 years, meaning the latest models on the market offer the luxurious ambiance of fire while being surprisingly efficient.  How Gas Fire works? The gas fireplaces contain incombustible “logs” that cover gas vents, while the fire itself burns behind a glass screen. It gives off both convicted and radiant heat.  Fuel Gas fires can use either LPG or natural gas. Natural gas is a more cost-effective option.  Advantages of Gas Fire Modern fireplaces do not emit smoke and vents the combustion waste outside through the flue. Gas fireplaces push all the heat they create into the room, rather than losing it into the masonry.  You don’t waste energy heating an entire home but only use energy to heat up the single room as required.  Gas fires give you a lot more control, gas fires often have temperature control with a thermostat.  They provide constant and reliable heat. The system does not need to be cleaned as no soot is made. Units are stylish and remote-controlled, these are very easy to operate. The gas fires are more environmentally friendly when compared to traditional wood-burning fireplaces.  Disadvantages of Gas Fire You will need to pay fixed charges for reticulated gas supply, it may be more expensive if you don’t have a reticulated gas supply in place already.  If you do not have reticulated gas supply in your home, LPG is more expensive than natural gas.  Compared with a central heating radiator system, a gas fireplace only heats up one room at a time. You’ll need several units in your home if you want each individual room heated. The gas fire will need electricity to run the internal fans and ignition source. The unit will not work during a power outage. Aesthetics You are spoiled by style choices when it comes to gas fireplaces, not only do these units provide ambiance they also come in a variety of designs to suit any home and decor. You have the option to have a Victorian-era elegance or chic modern chrome.  Price The cost of installation varies a lot depending on the unit you’d like to install and the type of installation. In some cases, more work is required than in others and some units are more expensive than others.  If you’re looking to see which option is best suited to your home, its best to do your homework on all your options. The information out there is very overwhelming so if you’d like a consultation or a quote for your home, get in touch with us today. We can provide detailed advice and information on your options to help you make the best decision for your heating needs. 

Radiators – A Great Option For Villas?

large vertical radiator

After a number of calls from Villa owners asking why everyone is moving to radiators again I thought maybe I should attempt to answer the question for the benefit of all Villa and Bungalow owners. Radiators in Villas The majority of Villas and Bungalows are found in the older more established parts of Auckland, many close to 100 years old and more. I just bought one in Mt Eden last month and it is apparently built between 1920 and 1929. Old houses, often drafty, generally built the wrong way around for sun, high ceilings, everything you do not want, if what you want is a warm home. Have you ever been in a warm Villa, possibly not. There are a few and in most cases they have radiators for heating, or a duct ed warm air system, and most heated by gas. You will know some have fires, open fires, and multiple fires, but even they are pretty hopeless when it comes to heating, more just for ambiance and cooking toast. Modern Radiators and Why they suit Villas You will also notice all these old houses are on piles, up off the ground, no concrete floors. This makes fitting a new radiator heating system great. You can fit radiators in the rooms you wish, drop connections under house, loop a circuit of flow and return pipes around back to a gas boiler, connect up the gas and a thermostat, and bobs your uncle, you’ll never be cold again in your chilly old Villa. It is probably a bit harder and more time consuming to fit than the paragraph above, but none the less, easily completed in a few days, not super costly, and adds luxury to your home. This will not replace the spark and crackle of a fire, but it will safely and effectively heat your home. Radiators are Safe The fantastic thing about radiators is they are a safe form of heating. No one will get burnt, the house wont catch on fire, no naked flames. Yes there is still a heating component to the system with gas and energy, but much safer than a fire. Heating with Radiators – Radiant Heat Radiators are simply amazing in respect to how they heat the room. There is nothing worse than standing in front of a little heater from the super store, or a heat pump, that blows on you, making you feel warm, and the moment you walk out of the heat you freeze again. Install a radiator and you will have a warm room, even temperature through out. No hot air blowing, then cold 2 meters away. Even controlled heat. It makes total sense that the growing trend is for radiators again. Think of the Radiators at School Radiators were what we grew up with. Think back to the frosty mornings at school. What did you do, go and sit on the radiator. Of course hottest by the radiator, but even the whole class room was toasty warm. There is always new stuff coming out. But really, some times you just cant beat a good old heating system that works. Of course technology has advanced, the actually heating part of the system, or the gas boiler unit, has advanced, the systems are much more efficient than days gone by, but fundamentally, its just a modern version of what you had at school. Join the growing trend. Get radiators fitted in your home today. I’ll be Fitting Radiators in my Villa When I renovate the little Villa I just bought in Mt Eden I will be adding radiators without a doubt. It is a cold little place, right by mountain, sun is limited, drafty, has insulation, but still will be freezing, the tenant told me. But guaranteed… add a radiator or two, fit a gas boiler up to it, and she’ll be the warmest house in the street – more than likely. Join me and many others… Never be cold again. Get radiators installed in your place now. You will not be disappointed. CLICK HERE For great deals on radiators – or to find out more…. Or if you want to speak to one of the heating technicians just call 0800 PLUMBER | 0800 758 623    

Underfloor Heating For Your Home

underfloor heating systems - regency plumbing

Are you tired of being cold and want to find out more about underfloor heating? UNDERFLOOR HEATING Is underfloor heating expensive? Is underfloor heating economical to run? There are many different underfloor heating systems… which is best for me? We will try and help you with a few questions on underfloor heating in this blog. WHAT IS UNDERFLOOR HEATING? These systems are hydronic radiant floor heating systems. They use a gas boiler or heat pump to produce a warm supply of water. This is then circulated via a small pump through plastic pipes installed within the concrete slab. The pipe in the floor carries heated water that conducts warmth to the surface of the floor where it then pushes heat energy to the room above. It is a very clever system which gives you even heat/warmth across the entire house. This has got to be one of the ultimate luxuries for your new home. ARE THESE SYSTEMS EXPENSIVE? It all depends on how you see it. Everyone forms their own opinion of what value for money is. Most people have different priorities in life. Everyone makes their own choice as to what they will spend their money on, whether or not, investing in underfloor heating systems is important to them. When you consider the complexity, the amount of work in setting up underfloor heating, the cost is well and truly justified. But, yes for most the cost / investment upfront is significant. After you experience the long term benefit of underfloor heating, your first warm winter. The bitter pill you had to swallow (the cost) doesn’t seem much more than a panadol tablet. The kiwi way has always been to just pull on another jumper or jersey. These days, people are starting to expect more. Heating for the home is a key part of the design. Even down to the basic insulation, every home must have it. At some point no doubt, every home will have to have a heating system. New Zealand gets cold. The environment we live in is often damp, especially in winter. For a dryer, healthy, warm home of luxury, look into underfloor heating systems. The long term benefits of underfloor heating, for your health and the homes health will be significant. So is underfloor heating expensive, yes, but it all depends on what is a priority for you. Some people will buy a car knowing they will lose $20,000 the moment they drive out of the dealership. You could spend $20,000 on an underfloor heating system and it will go up in value with the home. So it is an investment for sure, and well worth considering. THE COST OF UNDERFLOOR HEATING SYSTEMS Why does the cost vary so much? This is an interesting question. Can I quickly say, the difference is justified. The installers are not all scammers. There are 2 real considerations in my view. Maybe 3, but we’ll start with 2. What energy source do you have available. What underfloor heating systems are going to be available to you. Sometimes you will have to run with a gas boiler. Or sometimes you will have to run with a heat pump. Possibly you may be able to use diesel, or waste oil. There are many options. Obviously if you are on a small section in the city though, you are not going to want a big diesel tank. Or if you don’t have access to natural gas, you could use LPG, however most systems are not as cost efficient on LPG. So maybe not always a good choice. Some areas may not allow certain energy sources. So number one, what system you can have will have a large bearing on cost, as every system is very different in upfront cost. The more you pay up front, the cheaper it will be to run long term. Not 100% accurate, but as a rule, spend more money up front for an efficient system, and you can run is efficiently for ever. Buy the cheapest possible system you can get up front, and you will pay for it as you go. Even worse, if you are on LPG bottles you are really aware of the cost as you have to keep replacing them. The cost does not change, but as the bottle truck turns up every week, you are very aware of gas consumption and the cost. Based on my experience now, I feel LPG for heating is the last resort. It works fine, but customers are left really aware of the cost and inconvenience to run. TIP – You may not be getting ripped off. You may not need to go and get a 5th quote after-all. just to find it is different again. What you may need to do is ask more questions. Understand why the underfloor heating systems vary so much in price. Then be sure to understand the long term running cost differences. They are extreme differences that you need to be aware of before finalizing your decision. Sometimes a split system can be ideal. WHAT IS A SPLIT SYSTEM? When I refer to a split system, I refer to a system with say a mix of underfloor heating and radiators. Having a mix can be very effective, and also economical to run. Getting good advice from a reputable installer like Regency Plumbing right at the beginning, is a good idea. You may just find the perfect solution for your new home is not as costly as you first thought. Also you may find you can get a system that saves you money long term in operating costs. Radiators are also now very sleek, stylish, and well worth considering – to find out more [CLICK HERE] I hope you have found this blog useful, helpful, and interesting. If you need any more help, information, or a quote, we would be more than happy to help you. For underfloor heating systems, Regency Plumbing have an expert design and installation team.   CALL […]