Hot Water Cylinder Maintenance – Why You Should, and Who To Use!

Maintaining your hot water system is really important if you want your hot water cylinder to have a long life, or for saving money due to your hot water system having valve related issues that cause your hot water system to constantly discharge water.

The worst part about your cylinder leaking or overflowing is that in many cases your hot water system is discharging hot water, not only cold water, even though when you touch the water it seems, or feels cold as it has cooled down.

At Regency Plumbing – maintaining hot water systems is a huge part of what we do. We are recommended hot water installers and maintenance specialists. If you need Regency Plumbing to take a look at your hot water cylinder, we certainly can, and we can give you professional advice on what you need to do next.

Your hot water cylinder is probably the last thing on your mind when it comes to household maintenance, but often some attention once in a while to keep it running at peak performance levels will save you money and prolong its potential lifespan.

Auckland Plumbers - Regency Plumbing Hot Water Overflowing Under House - emergency plumbing services in auckland

Hot Water overflowing? Get your pressure reducing valve replaced

It’s time to stop wasting both water and electricity. The cost of a dripping hot water overflow adds up to a lot of $$$ over the course of a year. Regency Plumbing are offering a fantastic deal to get your valve replaced. Only $439.00 Inc GST for a brand new APEX pressure reducing valve fitted at your property.

*Terms and Conditions Apply. This only allows for replacing the old pressure reducing valve on your low-pressure hot water system. If there are any other valves that need replacing, or fittings, we will advise you and let you know the additional cost. (of course, only if they are needing replacement)

Normal Price of Installed Valve: $482.50 Inc GST
*NOW ONLY $439.00 inc GST fitted

Or, of course… If you’ve found your old low pressure cylinder itself is leaking? Its your home, or investment property, and you need another low pressure hot water cylinder… We’ve also got a great deal for you!

Get in touch now, and we’ll make sure you get the best possible deal!



Regency Plumbing – A great choice for your Hot Water Cylinder Repairs

So Regency Plumbing are an excellent choice for hot water cylinder maintenance. We have been tried and tested over the last 20 plus years and still come out on top time and time again.

It proves great people make the biggest difference. Call us today to get us on your next job.

Customer Review

Hi Amelia, I just wanted to say how amazing your customer service has been today – from my initial call today 7:10am, to the return call about an hour later – everything happened as promised, on time and to the price specified
Your entire company deserves a bouquet,
Thank you, Sandy Hodge (Google Review)
Get in touch now, and we’ll make sure you get the best possible deal!


hot water cylinder maintenance

Do you have a relief valve?

You can and will find a relief valve on almost every hot water cylinder. Some old low pressure cylinders, especially if they have a wet back were open vented, no relief valve. This is normal and there is no need to worry, however generally if there is no relief valve, your pressure will be relatively low.

The pressure relief valve is especially important for mains pressure cylinders as it protects the hot water cylinder from excess pressures. You will usually find it located at the top or to the side of the cylinder. The manufacturers suggest it is best to release the valve every six months, remembering to raise and lower the lever slowly. If the water does not flow when the valve is released it may be faulty or mean there is a problem with the system, you will need to contact a qualified hot water cylinder specialist to check this out as soon as possible.

Maintaining your hot water cylinder will extend its useful life and provide more efficient hot water heating year round. Regency Plumbing should be your first point of call for any hot water cylinder repair or maintenance in Auckland.

external mains pressure hot water cylinder

Hot Water Cylinder – What to do when you’re going on holiday?

If you plan on being away for more than a week it is worth considering switching the hot water cylinder off. This can be done at the switchboard or the isolating switch normally in the hot water cupboard, depending on your system. This will be sure to help you with saving you money on your electricity bill.

low pressure cylinder replacement in auckland

What is the correct temperature for your Hot Water Cylinder?

The water in your cylinder should always be 65 degrees (over 60 degrees) to prevent the chance of having legionella bacteria in your hot water system, and at the tap, it should be a maximum of 55 degrees to avoid people getting scalded.

This is for your regular residential home, as in some cases commercially – different rules apply. As an example a restaurant would require hotter water.

And then, just on temperature, some a re regulated to 45 degrees, like child care centres, schools, aged care homes, etc.

maximum temperature in your bathroom should be 55 - hot water cylinder temperature nz